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Coinbase API - wrong balances with vaults

The Use of Coinbase VAULT + Regular Wallet will lead to errors in API, because some of the (internal) movements have the same transactionID and thus get skipped.
A correct history of using vaults would be

  1. Withdrawal 1 BTC Coinbase -- Deposit 1 BTC Coinbase vault (not distinguished) and later
  2. Withdrawal 1 BTC Coinbase Vault -- Deposit 1 BTC Coinbase
  3. You will likely end up with duplicate withdrawals (or deposits)
  4. The solution is to:

        - either turn one of the duplicate withdrawals into a deposit by editing the second withdrawal on the Transactions page

        Result on the Transactions page would be:

  • withdrawal 1 BTC
  • deposit 1 BTC


        - enter the two missing deposits on the vault exchange as new entries on the Transactions page and modifying one withdrawal

        Result on the Transactions page would be:

  • withdrawal 1 BTC (exchange: Coinbase)
  • deposit 1 BTC (exchange: Coinbase vault) = NEW
  • withdrawal 1 BTC (exchange: Coinbase vault) = NEW exchange name
  • deposit 1 BTC (exchange: Coinbase) = NEW
  1. To avoid overwriting the manual fixes change the start date in the API connection to the current date after correction

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