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ETH Wallet API

You can import all your ETH Wallet transactions via our ETH wallet importer while adding your ETH wallet address.

Uniswap DEX trades and Liquidity Pool transactions are imported as described here: How are Liquidity Pool transactions imported?

You can add a unique exchange (wallet) name if you have different ETH Wallets.

And if you want to avoid re-imports of some manually deleted transactions you could add a start date and only transactions after this date will be imported. 

We are using the API provided by and in order to import Ethereum Wallet related transactions. These are the best and most reliable APIs on the market. However we are only able to import what they provide over the interface. So unfortunately not all tokens are supported yet and there are some requirements to fulfill, before they list tokens in their API. 

In some cases it is necessary to enter the data manually. It's easy to find this data on Blockexplorers like

Once all the missing data are added, the balance of your ETH wallet should be correct in CoinTracking. You can compare the imported transactions on the Balance by Exchange report with the Live API Data for your ETH wallets.

You can enter missing transactions either manually on the Transactionspage or via the Excel Import or the Custom Exchange Import

In addition we provide CSV imports for some software/online wallets (e.g. Trezor, Exodus, Electrum etc.).

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