This article refers to the old Import method. We recommend reading our current article Import of Liquidity Pool/Mining transactions.
You can import your ETH wallet address under Ethereum + DEX Address and Wallet Import.
For your BSC (Binance Smart Chain) wallet address please use our Binance Smart Chain Address and Wallet Import.
- A withdrawal each e.g. from the ETH Wallet
LINK withdrawal looks similar.
- Two deposits will be added to your liquidity pool-specific exchange
- The liquidity tokens you will receive will be shown as "Income (non taxable)"
- Your earnings will be added as a trade, for example, you will get more ETH in value than the value sold of LINK
- Your liquidity tokens you give back to get your coins will be added as "Expense (non taxable)"
- Two withdrawals will be added to get your coins - with your earnings calculated in - back from the liquidity pool
- A deposit each e.g. at the ETH Wallet
LINK deposit looks similar.
If you receive any bonus please add those as "bonus" or any other income transaction and add a custom price as described here Entering ICO Coins and Non Listed, if this token is not yet listed on one of our price sources (Fiat, coin and commodities price sources, individual exchange price, change Fiat account Currency). You can check the coin trend page if a coin is already listed within CoinTracking.
Depending on the tax laws of your country you can also add the start and ending of an LP as trade transactions and it is described here: How to add Liquidity Pool transactions as trade?