It's a bit difficult with all the IOTA decimals. That's why we have added different tickers in the past:
MIOTA (=MIOT) --> Mega IOTA Token (Price source: coinmarketcap) --> please use the ticker MIOTA by default as our importer use them as well
IOTA2 (IOTA V2) -> Stardust Network Upgrade Token (price source: coingecko)
Old ticker:
IOTA -> IOTA Token Coin (1 unit)
One single IOTA unit (bevor Stardust Netzwerk Upgrade in 09-2023)
IOT -> Mega IOTA Token Coin
One million IOTA token and also the unit Bitfinex is using.
GIOTA -> Giga IOTA Token
One billion IOTA token
If you manually import IOTA purchases, please use the current ticker MIOTA or IOTA2.