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Cloudmining Models like Hashflare or Genesis

In order to reflect your current portfolio situation properly and to have an even balance, you need to add every transaction to Cointracking, exactly as it took place in real life.

This is an example for Hashflare. Transactions regarding Genesis and other Cloudmining providers could be added in the same way.

This means, you would add all related data for the "Hashflare Cloudmining Platform". You could call the exchange field like this as well. 

So let's assume you hold your current BTC on a Wallet and everything until this point was added into your CoinTracking account.

Now you would enter the following transactions for a perfect tracking:

  •   OUT ("General Withdrawal") from "Wallet BTC" (Originally invested Capital - included in Auto Wallet Import for BTC)
  •   IN ("General Deposit") on "Hashflare Cloudmining Platform(OiC)

  •   OUT ("Spend") on "Hashflare Cloudmining Platform(Purchase of Mining Plan)
  •   IN ("Income" or "Mining") on "Hashflare Cloudmining Platform(Mining Income)

  •   OUT ("General Withdrawal") from "Hashflare Cloudmining Platform(Accumulated Mining Income)
  •   IN ("General Deposit") on "Wallet BTC(AMI - included in Auto Wallet Import for BTC)

Repeat whole process in case of a reinvestment.

This is the most detailed method and it will reflect your balances and gains optimally. It also makes it possible to separate the data in all analyses and reports.

In order to import the data you are able to enter the transactions either manually on the Transactions page, with the "Excel Import", or with the "Custom Exchange Import"

For BTC addresses we provide a wallet import on our "Bitcoin Wallet Import" page.

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