This article refers to the old Import method. We recommend reading our current article Import of Liquidity Pool/Mining transactions.
If they are on the ETH chain please import them using your ETH wallet address. Here is a new version of our importer available where all LP transactions are imported automatically. For the current ETH importer everything is described here: How to import DEX trades like Uniswap, 0x, Kyber Network, SushiSwap
We have Binance Smart Chain direct import API as well where all LP transactions are imported automatically.
In general you have to add trades while you start the pool and again trades when you finish the pool. The volatility changes in between do not need to be tracked.
Depending on the tax laws of your country you can also add the start and ending of an LP as deposit and withdrawal transactions and it is described here (currently all LP transactions are imported like this): How are Liquidity Pool transactions imported?