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Missing Coin or different ticker symbol

We add new coins automatically when they are listed on one of our major coin sources ( und

Please note, that ICO coins will also only be added once they are listed there.

You can find more information on how to add ICO coins in this FAQ article: How to add ICOs/IDOs into CoinTracking?

We do not add new coins on request. 

You can check if a coin is available in CoinTracking on the coin trend page. Sometimes a coin has a different ticker in CoinTracking than on the major coin sources or some exchanges. The reason is that we need a unique ticker to separate similarly named coins from each other.

If your coin has a wrong ticker you can change the name of your coin manually on the "Transactions" page or perform a „bulk edit“ on the same page. Using the bulk function, select 'Overwrite Coins' from the dropdown menu and replace your old coin ticker with the new one. After recalculation, all values will be displayed again correctly.

We recommend you perform a backup of all of your trades beforehand as well as on a regular basis: Account/Trades Backup

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