We are not supporting Bitpanda Global Exchange (BGE https://www.bitpanda.com/en/exchange) right now, but only the Bitpanda Platform (BP https://www.bitpanda.com) via our Bitpanda API and Bitpanda CSV Importer. The difference between BGE and BP is described on the Bitpanda page here.
The CSV importer for bitpanda global exchange is already on our list and will be implemented soon, but there is no ETA available right now. Once in place, we will announce it on our "new features pages".
You can import your exported Bitpanda Global Exchange CSV file on our "Custom Exchange Importer" with the following settings after removing (deleting) the first two lines. With a tool like Notepad++ both lines could be removed without adjusting the default format of this CSV file.
You can save those settings for later use as well.