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My Dashboard is Showing Unrealistic Balances or Graphs

Occasionally, your dashboard might show unexpected inconsistencies, like incorrect balances or a sudden drop in the Balance by Day Graph.

In this article, we'll guide you through identifying and resolving these issues to ensure your CoinTracking account displays accurate and up-to-date data.

Please note: A recalculation can only fix certain issues like wrong graphs or balances that have not been updated yet. It will not fix wrong balances caused by missing or incorrectly imported transactions!

This article is separated into two sections: 

1) How to resolve display issues by using the recalculation tool
2) How to force a recalculation


1) How to resolve display issues by using the recalculation tool

Whenever you make changes to your CoinTracking account, such as importing new transactions, editing existing ones, or making adjustments to settings, a recalculation button appears in the bottom right corner of your account.

In such cases, performing a recalculation is crucial, to avoid dips and inconsistencies in your account balances.

To start the recalculation, click the Button "Recalculate Trades" on the recalculation window in the bottom right corner.

2) How to force a recalculation

In some cases, it is necessary to force a recalculation.

If you're confident that your transactions have been imported correctly and completely but are seeing unexpected or incorrect balances in your Dashboard, a good first step is to initiate a recalculation to resolve the issue.

Another key instance where a forced recalculation is necessary is if you observe an unexplained dip in the Balance By Day chart on your Dashboard.

Performing a recalculation can often resolve this issue, as it refreshes the data and corrects any temporary display errors, ensuring your balances and reports are accurate and up to date.

To force a recalculation, head to the Transactions page, sort the transactions by date in ascending order by clicking the “Date” column, and click on the currency field of the first (oldest) transaction. 

Next, remove the last letter from the currency field (in our example, the C of BTC) and directly add it back again. 

After re-adding the letter, click on "Update" and refresh the page.

Since our system now recognizes a change, the recalculation button will appear in the bottom right corner, allowing you to recalculate all your data from the very first transaction until the most recent one.

Click on the “Recalculate Trades” Button in the bottom right corner to initiate the internal recalculation process for all your transactions.

If your balances are still incorrect after the recalculation, it may indicate that the transactions were not imported correctly or completely. To ensure your account is set up properly, please refer to the following article: How to validate my account?

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