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Wrong or Negative Coin / FIAT Values

In this article, we will cover the most common reasons for wrong or negative coin and FIAT values and how to fix them.

This article is separated into six different sections:

1) You did not import all your trades into CoinTracking

2) Transfers between exchanges/wallets are not correct or incomplete

3) You have made mistakes at entering coins manually

4) The exchange you are using, does not provide all transactions

5) My account is showing negative FIAT values


(Please find the detailed version below)

  • Please ensure all your trades have been imported correctly.
  • Try to remember, whether you had some trades on other exchanges that are not listed in CoinTracking.
  • Some exchange imports can not import deposits and withdrawals. You will have to enter them manually.
  • Decide which way you want to track your trades on CoinTracking. See Different ways to track your portfolio for more details.
  • We do not have any influence over the accuracy of the data provided by exchanges or blockchains. If some trades are missing, please try to add them manually.
  • Please try to get familiar with the tracking system of CoinTracking. Usually it will take you some time at the beginning to import all your trades correctly.

1) You did not import all your trades into CoinTracking

The main reason for incorrect values is the fact that not all of your trades have been imported.

The lack of trades distorts the entire balance sheet and can lead to wrong values.


You bought 10 ETH at Poloniex
A little later you sold 2 ETH at Kraken

If you only import the trades of Kraken, you will see a negative balance of -2 ETH.
Only when you import your Poloniex trades as well, you will see a positive balance of 8 ETH

Always check that you have entered all your purchases and sales completely in CoinTracking so that no values are missing. This article explains how to find and resolve missing transactions: Missing Transactions Report.

Also consider whether you have bought coins on exchanges that already closed or can't be accessed.

Furthermore, if you have received coins as gifts, you change your transaction type to "Gift" on the Transactions Page by selecting your transaction and clicking on "Edit".

1. You did not import all your trades into CoinTracking.

The main reason for incorrect values is the fact that not all of your trades have been imported.

The lack of trades distorts the entire balance sheet and can lead to wrong values.


You bought 10 ETH at Poloniex
A little later you sold 2 ETH at Kraken

If you only import the trades of Kraken, you will see a negative balance of -2 ETH.
Only when you import your Poloniex trades as well, you will see a positive balance of 8 ETH.

Always check that you have entered all your purchases and sales completely in CoinTracking so that no values are missing.

Also consider whether you have bought coins on exchanges that already closed or can't be accessed.

Furthermore, if you have received coin as a gift, you change your transaction type to "Gift" on the Transactions Page by selecting your transaction and clicking on "Edit".

2) Transfers between exchanges/wallets are not correct or incomplete

The second most common cause of incorrect values are false or missing transactions between exchanges or wallets.

Note that transactions between two addresses (including exchanges and wallets) must always be entered with two entries.


You have transferred 1 BTC from Wallet A to Exchange B
Create 2 entries:
(OUT) Withdrawal of 1 BTC from Exchange = Wallet A
(IN) Deposit of 1 BTC to Exchange = Exchange B

And this is where the mistake often happens.

If you entered only the withdrawal, your displayed value is too low.

If you entered only the deposit, the value is too high.

In both cases, your balance will be distorted.

Please check whether all your transactions between two addresses have been entered correctly.

Some importers can not import deposits and withdrawals, because they are not listed in the CSV. This can cause missing transactions.

The Missing Transactions Report helps you to enter/adjust the missing transactions manually if needed.

Alternatively, you can correct your values by deleting all your deposits and withdrawals.

This is done on the Transactions page, by filtering for 'IN' and 'OUT', selecting the results and then deleting them.

If you have completely imported all your trades, your coin values should be correct.

Note, however, that deleting all deposits and withdrawals may fix your total coin amount and value, but distorts the 'Balance by Exchange' calculations.

Since your deposit and withdrawals will always cancel each other out, your CoinTracking balance after deletion will be very close to your actual value (the only exception being transaction fees that will be missing).

3) You have made mistakes at entering coins manually

Look at your trades on the Transactions page and check if everything is correct.

Perhaps you have mistyped the name of a coin or used the wrong token ticker? Some coins sound very similar.

Please note that we might use different tickers than the original tickers.

For example, we use SOL2 instead of SOL or DOT2 instead of DOT.

You can check our tickers on the Coin Trends page.

4) The exchange you are using, does not provide all transactions

Unfortunately, not all exchanges export all transactions. Some do not provide deposits and withdrawals, and for some you can only import the last x weeks.

Please take a look at the instruction on the import page and the Import FAQ for any import restrictions.

In case an exchange does not provide all data, you can ask the support if they can provide you with additional data, or you will need to enter it manually.

5) My account is showing negative FIAT values 

If you follow the recommended overall solution (see Different ways of managing your portfolio) then a negative FIAT value is to be expected.

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