You can set custom prices or convert coins into NFT's.
This article is separated into 3 sections
1) What is the custom price setting for?
2) How to enter an unlisted coin
3) How to set a custom price (and convert coins into NFTs)
1) What is the custom price setting for?
You can set a custom price for coins that are not yet listed on any exchanges or for coins that we don't have a price source for: Fiat, coin and commodities price sources, individual exchange price, change Fiat account currency
This way, each of our reports actually calculates your coin with a value. Furthermore, you can convert coins into NFT's, which will then be shown in the NFT-Center.
2) How to enter an unlisted coin
Click on "New" to create a new transaction in the Transactions Page:
Enter your trade and click on “Add transaction”
You have now entered your unlisted coin, but it won't show up in the dashboard yet.
3) How to set a custom price (and convert coins into NFTs)
On the Tr Page, on the right side next to the transaction columns, you will find a summary of your coins. Search for your newly added coin and click on the 0 BTC Value to enter a custom price:
You will now be directed to Custom Prices & NFT's. Search for your coin and click the edit icon:
This window will be displayed
Here you can set the custom price and also have further options:
Convert to NFT:
This coin will be treated as a NFT and displayed in the NFT Center.
Force Custom Price:
Forcing the custom price ignores the CoinTracking price history.
This means that even if your coin will be listed on the websites where we get our price feed from, it will retain the custom price that you have added manually and won't be overwritten.
After entering your custom price, click on “Update”.
You have now successfully set a custom price for your coin and it will from now on be displayed in the Dashboard!