Fiat currencies:
Fiat prices are taken as a weighted average market price against Bitcoin (BTC). Price source here is and for most of the Fiat currencies. Some Fiat currencies which are not listed there are converted from official sources like
You can also change the weighted average market price for BTC depending on the exchange you choose in the settings to fetch the prices from there. The exchange price is available only for USD and EUR as those exchanges offer these currency pair markets. The choices are:
for EUR: weighted average, Bitstamp or Kraken
for USD: weighted average, Bitstamp, Kraken or Coinbase Pro
You can change your account currency in your account settings.
Coins and Assets:
Our price is an average price retrieved from several sources ( WorldCoinIndex, CoinMarketCap and Coingecko) and weighted by volume of transactions on the exchanges. The terminal or dexscan prices of those price sources could not be used.
This is important for the correct tax calculation since every transaction is taken into account with this asset value (Price * amount = asset value or cost basis) according the average price at the time of execution. Our system calculates the tax and gain based on these asset values (buy or/and sell price in every transaction).
They are sourced from Trackable are for example Gold (XAU), Silver (XAG) and other precious metals with a price history available from this price source.
Update and Limitation
All prices are updated every 2-3 minutes to calculate the asset values based on the timestamp of all transactions.
Please keep in mind that we track 8 digits after decimal only for price data. So prices from coins with lower prices then 0.00000001 will not be tracked even if they are listed on any coin source. In such cases you could track the coin manually as giga or mega (Workaround due to 16 digit limitation of amount numbers) with a custom price as described here: How to add ICOs/IDOs into CoinTracking?
Once assigned, tickers are not changed in our system. They remain in place even if they are then listed under a different ticker at our price sources. The name of the coin will be updated. You can search on the Coin Trend Page for the ContractID as well: How to Identify the Correct Ticker in CoinTracking