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Polkadot / Elrond swap 1:100(0) instructions

Polkadot underwent a reverse split/swap where each owner received 100 new coins for one old one and the price was also divided by 100.

Some exchanges (for example, Binance) imported the new coin as INTEREST only.

You have to change the transactions into a SWAP (non taxable). We will explain this in Step2.

To enter / correct this in CoinTracking, please do the following.

1) Any coins purchased before the swap need to have the ticker DOT to receive the correct asset value.

2) Enter a Swap from 1 DOT into 100 DOT2 on the day you received the new coins (this can vary between August 18th 2020 on Binance to August 20th for smaller exchanges).

If you received INTEREST, please select that transaction on the Transactions page and turn it into a Swap via Edit.

The values are entered as follows: Every 1 DOT equals 100 DOT2.

Here we have an example of a swap from 100 DOT to 10,000 DOT2:

3) Any coins received after the swap need to have the ticker DOT2.

For the ELROND reverse split/swap, please follow the instructions above, swapping ERD for EGLD with the ratio of 1:1000.

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