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forgot password or username, reset password, lost 2fa device

You have lost your password or forgot your username? No worries. We can recover it.


If you lost your password you can do the following steps:

1. Reset on your own if you have a valid and verified E-Mail address set within your account. 

You only need to click on "forgot?" and you will receive an E-Mail with a new password which we recommend you should change afterwards. If it does not come in please check your junk/spam folder. 

2. You have set no E-Mail address within your account or it does not come in due to provider filter we could reset your password if you answer the following questions about legitimacy (proof that you are the rightful account owner) - approximately values are okay:
When did you join CoinTracking (account creation)?
When did you log into your account last?
Which exchanges do you use frequently?
Name 3 coins and their approximate amount 

Afterwards, we will check and compare the account data, reset your password and provide you with a new temporary one (which we recommend to change after login).


If you forgot your username we will search for the email address you have registered your account with. Please provide us with this email address. If we can not find a username registered under the E-Mail address provided, please let us know another possible email address we could search for.

Having forgotten the username and no email address registered within CoinTracking would be the worst case. If you have purchased a premium membership, the receipt could help us - as could guesses about possible partial user names or unique letters or numbers in it.

2FA authentification:

If you lost your 2fa device please send us following the process of this article Lost 2 fa device / 2 fa deactivation process (2-Step, 2fa) the the answers for those questions - approximately values are okay:

When did you join CoinTracking (account creation)?
When did you log into your account last?
Which exchanges do you use frequently?
Name 3 coins and their approximate amount

Afterwards we will check and compare the account data and remove your 2fa. We recommend you to set the 2fa again afterwards within your account.

If nothing else could be found we need a payment notification or invoice containing the following information:

- payment provider (credit card, PayPal, BTC or Bank transfer) 
- payment date
- amount
- transaction number or the IBAN when done via bank transfer

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