If your account shows imbalances across the board or warnings, please make sure you have completed all these important steps:
1) Import all data from all exchanges you use frequently
Be observant on the import page what the import is missing (red crosses) and enter this data yourself.
Methods to enter data include:
Manual entry on the "Transactions" page, the "Excel Import", or the "Custom Exchange Import".
More details: Entering Trades and Entering Deposits, Withdrawals, and Transfers Between Exchanges / Wallets
If you have already set up APIs, double check that they have no error message on the import page.
2) Go to your Balance by Exchange page and compare the coin balances with your real life balances.
You should see no negative numbers other than FIAT.
IF you see other negative numbers, you have missed something in step 1.
You can identify the coin and exchange here easily and go back to add the missing data.
Common reasons for negative numbers: Wrong or Negative Coin / FIAT Values
3) If you suspect double entries, please go to the Trade List and select Full View
Then Advanced Search for the coin and exchange with the issue. Under the column "Imported" you can see the source of the entry (for manual entries field is empty) and decide which one to delete.
If you want to avoid future double entry, read here: Reoccurring Duplicate Transactions
4) Import all wallets you own
Wallets are updated every couple of hours, but blockchain jobs could sometimes not import all transactions. So these have to be added by you as well: My blockchain transactions are not imported correctly. Why?
5) If you have small discrepancies for coins
Check whether they could stem from fees not being deducted. Enter those as [OUT] OTHER FEE to balance your amounts or add them to the trade as described here.
6) If you are missing entire coins or coins are not calculated
Please make sure that the ticker is correct by searching for the coin on the Coin Trends page and comparing it to your trades. If the tickers are different, please rename the coins to start recalculation: How to Identify and Rename the Correct Ticker in CoinTracking
7) Tax warnings do not necessarily give you the exact trade, because sometimes the coins are split into purchase pools.
Search for the coin, exchange and date in the Trade List to find the data underlying the warning.
The error (e.g. not enough BTC) does not have to originate on the same date, but could have lain dormant for a while until that trade and therefore the missing information could derive from a date much further back than the warning states: Purchase Pool Warnings
If you have warnings between FIATS, then you can remedy this easily: Working with Two Fiat Currencies / Cost Basis 0 for FIAT
8) Discrepancies in the balance can also occur due to coins you got from a fork or ICO.
If you received coins from a fork: Entering Coins With a Fork (e.g. BTC and BCH)
If you participated in an ICO: Entering ICO Coins and Non Listed Assets
9) Missing Transaction
Check the Missing Transactions Page, especially when the Gains page shows a different amount of coins than the dashboard.
Correct white (unmatched) lines with the help of this article: Missing Transactions Report: White Entries (No Match)
10) Check the validation tools for your account
Please check this FAQ for other tools, reports and tips with which you can check warnings and inconsistencies:
Still errors in the account?
If you have executed all steps above and you still can’t find the reason for an imbalance or tax report warning, please contact us via a support desk ticket.
We will need your help with this time consuming process of error analysis and would at the very least require the following information about a wrong balance:
- which coin
- which exchange
- which time period
- on which account (if you have multiple joined accounts) or which tax report number you are referring to
- a screenshot is also always helpful
If data from several exchanges or coins show inconsistencies, please focus on the one with the greatest deviation or choose a specific example.
Thank you for your cooperation.