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Updating billing information

CoinTracking takes customer privacy seriously, therefore we do not store any credit card

information. As a result, updating your billing information involves one of the following processes:

Option 1 (Cancel Subscription from within CT):

1.1. Begin by cancelling your existing subscription. This can be done via the billing tab of your account settings.


The cancellation only refers to the subscription and not the membership in itself. Cancelling the subscription does not lead to loss of data.

1.2. Establish a fresh subscription with your updated payment details. This can be done by purchasing the required Premium Membership via the Upgrade page. You can perform this action right away or right before your current membership expires.

Rest assured that the remaining days of your current Premium membership will not be lost.

Instead, they will be acknowledged and applied as a discount towards your subsequent


Option 2 (update via Stripe):

2.1 It is possible to update the billing information via a Stripe link. This allows the existing subscription to continue unchanged.

2.2 To do this, please contact our Support Team to receive an update link.

Our Support Team is always available to help you with any other questions or concerns.

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