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Total Value of all Coins and Current Balance Trend 24 hours values

The absolute and the percentage values on the dashboard (Total value of all coins, Total value of all commodities, Total value of all currencies, Total account value) are only refreshed if they are older then 10 minutes so that the dashboard view page can load faster then all the separate reports (e.g. balance by exchange). Due to this there could be discrepancies between the values shown there. If you would adjust transactions/add/delete then the values will be refreshed of course immediately.

The "Total value of all coins" is put into proportion to the value you see on the Daily balance page as well. The current value of your assets in comparison to the end value of the day before are put into proportion. Depending on the time the value can be between 24 and 47:59:59 hours old.

Daily Balance page:

The "Timer" of the last refresh is shown on the "Enter Coins" page on the right very bottom: 

The 24h trends for "all coins", "alle Fiats", etc. on the other hand are calculated to the minute vs. the day before: Fiat, coin and commodities price sources, individual exchange price, change Fiat account Currency

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