When you have reached your trade limit, an error message appears when trying to upload more trades.
The current limits are:
200 for Free users
3500 for Pro members
20000 for Expert S members
50000 for Expert M members
100000 for Expert L members
no transaction limit for Unlimited Members
These limits are totals, not annual limits.
Sometimes you can reduce your trades by combining trades, however this will affect the average price and the correct gains calculation. So we do not recommend to delete old transactions so that you could add new ones as this would distort your cost basis and purchase pool: How does the CoinTracking purchase pool work?
If a transaction limit is reached an upgrade is needed if you want to add more transactions. To increase your trade limit go to Account Upgrade and view the membership choices that offer more trades and you can compare the features and pricing of our available licenses there as well. We offer 1 or 2 year or lifetime duration for each level. You would only pay the difference as your remaining license period will be credited during the upgrade process. If you have a lifetime license the full amount will be credited.