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How do I validate my Cointracking account? My coin balance is all wrong

I completed my imports but the account shows balance per exchange that is not correct, the amounts are wrong and I have some negative balances. What should I do? I use the API option.

  • Hi Marty!

    That is a common problem in the beginning but it shouldn't be difficult to fix. For now, here is the list of possible issues with solutions, let us know if we've got the your problem resolved:

    What if ...

    ...your coin balance per exchange or in total is wrong?

    ...negative coin balances appear?

    ...reports are wrong or seem to be not plausible?

    ...warnings in tax reports like "no suitable purchase to this sale" are shown? would like to know which transactions have been imported lately?

    Live Balance and Balance by Exchange

    To compare the real balances from the balances of an exchange or wallet the Live Balance page is helpful (if API jobs for those exchanges or wallets are set up and they support this live balance feature). The goal is that the balances which are calculated based on all imported transactions on the Balance by exchange match the current (live) balances. This means that the comparison has to be done by the user exchange by exchange, wallet by wallet. After eventually needed adjustments finally the total coin amounts on the dashboard match the live balances.

    Manually Balance

    If on the Balance by exchange page a "manually balance" appears at least at one transaction is missing the exchange name, so the field is empty. You have to add this exchange name on the "Enter Coins page" while you sort by column "exchange" and then the empty fields are shown.

    Checks - reports for assistance and troubleshooting

    1. The Validate transactions report shows first of all if any transactions are faulty e.g. space bar in some fields or even negative values. Those have to be corrected immediately, because some errors will corrupt some pages and reports. Details to mitigate those errors can be found if you expand the line via "+". follow the instructions there to mitigate the error. The lines with notice are showing the spread of the asset values and are only for information. Normally there is no action required here if you choose "best price" as the recommended method as described here: Gains - prices settings (Dropdown)

    2. The duplicate transaction report shows duplicate transactions based on the unique TransactionID provided by the exchange which you can check on the Trade List (full view) where you need to add the field via "manage columns". If some entries are shown here, please delete them with the button on bottom of the page as described. We recommend creating a backup of your data beforehand and regularly in general as described here: Create backup, restore or export your account data

    3. The Missing transaction report shows where withdrawals or deposits are missing. A transfer from A to B within a portfolio consists always of withdrawal A before deposit B happens. Please check the instructions on that page and in this FAQ article: White entries (no match) in Missing Transactions Report

    When there are more than 48hrs between a deposit and a corresponding withdrawal or if 2 withdrawals are summed up into one deposit, these transaction are also shown as white (unmatched). In this case you can skip those white entries. Maybe you should add a comment to those transactions on the Enter Coins page to mark them as matched. They will be always shown white. Often wrongly added or missing fees lead to incorrect assignments between withdrawal and deposit transactions which belong together. The amount of the withdrawal minus the fee should equal the deposit amount. See: Entering Fees

    4. You have one last option when you have warnings in your tax reports after you did all the above listed checks. With the transaction flow chart report you can check where your purchase pool turns negative - there is a separate button you can filter for those:

    You can identify negative purchase pools while checking them before or after each transaction. Then you will see the negative coin balances and you can check where those transactions real ones vs. imported/added are different. For this you possibly need to check your exchange account because transactions are missing or wrongly added. 

    Please check those FAQs if you want to know more about the purchase pool logic:

    How does the CoinTracking purchase pool work?

    Warnings in the tax report ("There is no suitable purchase to this sale (all purchasing pools consumed)”

    Negative FIAT amounts like EUR, USD

    Negative FIAT balances are okay. We do not recommend tracking FIAT deposits and withdrawals as described here:

    Different ways of managing your portfolio

    My account is showing negative FIAT values

    If you want to do so please disable the last slider on your API jobs if you use them or add those FIAT deposit and withdrawal transactions manually:


    Special case using the depot separation

    A tax report can be free of warnings but warnings may appear if you enable the depot separation. Typical reasons are that deposits are chronologically before withdrawals or deposits are without purchase pool (because the exchange where the withdrawal happened is not there or the amount of coins is not sufficiently available). You could use this flow chart report to check for warnings. This report is similar to the transaction flow chart mentioned above, but limited to the tax year. 

    Trade list (full view) - what has been imported recently and flexible report creator

    You can find this list or report here. Via "manage columns" you can add additional fields to the view.
    On great information point is to see whether transactions are added manually or imported via API or CSV (if manually added the "imported from" column will be empty). If you sort by "add date" you could see which transactions have been imported recently. You could use the search file or the filter options as well. 

    Editing or deleting any data in the trade list is not possible. You can only do so on the Enter Coins page which you can open in a separate tab for editing in parallel.

    You can export all data you filter for or add via "manage columns" as PDF, CSV, Excel or print them.

    A short video explaining all features and reports can be found here.

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